Monday, September 14, 2009

3 wheels

I drew this at my mother's house and she said, "It's nice, but the proportions are all wrong." And you wonder why I didn't draw when I was a kid? Never-the-less, I like this sketch and isn't that what really matters for something that comes from your heart?


  1. very nice! It's amazing that you just discovered this talent! I was never a good artist myself even though we have several in the family- apparently I did not get those genes. I'll never forget my grammar school art teacher who had some discouraging words about my "masterpiece" when I was in the 3rd grade. I stopped trying after that. Your work is beautiful and thank you for sharing!

  2. Thank you guys. So glad someone can identify with being discouraged. I thought I was just a wimp... : )

  3. Maybe your mom was just trying to teach you...make you better!

  4. please don't tell me we have the same mother, too!!!! that would really just be too weird. ;) your sketches are fabulous, gabby. thanks for sharing!
