Sunday, October 25, 2009

forest fire

So I was walking around Prospect Park this summer and stumbled upon this fire hydrant (or johnny pump as we say in old school bklyn). It was along one of the trails. Of course the first thing to come to my mind was the Dead Kennedys song Forest Fire. So Here is a little clip of the song just for your enjoyment. Don't get any ideas though...

Friday, October 9, 2009


I never drank coffee until I had kids and now I don't know how I would handle life without it. Actually I've recently become addicted to chai, the super sweet kind in a box. How comforting it is when I feel my heart rate go up a few notches and I start to talk super fast. Actually right now I am typing this like a speed demon because I just had a big ole' cup of it. Will I ever be able to end my addiction? Will I ever be able to function without it? Should I care?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

drink me

My family is the ultimate in reusing things. This jug was brought to my aunt's house about 10 years ago from my father. He said he loved this apple juice and wanted everyone to try it. Not only that, check out the bottle it comes in? My dad was really in love with the Martinelli apple juice bottles and now his sister was falling for them too. Well she fell hard because she kept the damn bottle for 10 years! I have to admit, I love them too. They are simple and really do make you think of an apple with the leaves at the top. The lemon/lime-aid my aunt made was pretty damn good too. My father, a true granola wanna-be hippie, would have loved the reuse this bottle has gotten and the would have enjoyed the sweet juice that had a few sprigs of mint to spice it up. You go Aunt Joy!