Sunday, April 5, 2009

No se apoye contra la puerta

The subway has been a part of my life for... well.. my whole life. When I went to Madrid the first time I couldn't figure out how to get anywhere, but when I went on the Metro I could understand that city like I was born there. I guess I am just a natural-born underground maven! But the NYC subway system will always have my heart.

When I think of all the signage I pilfered from the subway, I am amazed I never got caught. My room was lined with condom ads from the F train and my door covered with stickers displaying messages using only Helvetica. But I did, however, get arrested (handcuffed and thrown in a paddy wagon) for jumping the turnstile with some friends. I, with true Brooklyn grace, called the cop a racist pig and out came the handcuffs. Ooops... Sorry guys... At least it made for an exciting story!

Speaking of subway signage, what ever happened to the No se apoye contra la puerta stickers? Has the Spanish speaking population in NY left? From my extensive research it seems that nearly 28% of NYC population is of Hispanic or Latino decent, so I'm thinking much of this 28% speaks Spanish. When I was growing up all of the subway signage was in both English and Spanish, not just the advertisements. So what's up MTA?

I miss the subways of the 80s. There was graffiti everywhere and we all smoked on the train. If anyone said anything we said 'Fuck you!' and stood in between the cars to finish our smoke. That's right I used to hang out between cars and smoke cigarettes! I wonder if I ever told my therapist that? I admit that I do miss the rough edges of NY. What will my kids have to talk about? 'Remember how that guy littered that one time?' I'm sure my kids will find rough edges of their own to boast about, even if it isn't getting arrested and smoking on the subway.

Just wanted to add that if you are pissed off about the fare hike send the MTA your bill!


  1. I remember the one time I got a ticket in the subway. This was just after Giuliania was tightening the noose on anything a native NYer takes for granted. If you weren't drunk & brazen enough to smoke on the platform or b/w cars, such as yourself, you could at least count on a coupla last puffs on yr way downstairs to the station. Well, I got nabbed & the cop being the sadist they all are, made a pt. of telling me how he was going to miss the next train. He profiled me thusly (classist) - "you look like you were good in school {ding, ding} so I want you to stand w/ yr hands folded like you was in class [if only he knew it was prep schol!]" When he decided he was going to smirk his way into making me miss *the next* train (Shaolin losers are always hip to get timed perfectly to the Ferry, esp. when they run on the hr. late night) I said, "You know, I have a hangover to cultivate and you have a family to beat - how about you speed this up." So he said, "Oh, you a special kinda asshole, huh?" "Petit bourgeois Anarcho-Syndicalist, thanks." He didn't know what to say, so he said, "this address I'm sending it to, it an apartment?" [ooh, whitey rich boy would never live like the great unwashed]. I told him I'd see him in court to fight it; he never showed up. Typical. Nope, don't miss it...

  2. Check out Mike doughty song "wednesday-no se apoye". I ended up here trying to find a translation of that phrase.

    I like your writing.

  3. Check out Mike doughty song "wednesday-no se apoye". I ended up here trying to find a translation of that phrase.

    I like your writing.
